
Lloyd's Maritime Group
Lloyd’s Maritime Group is managing wide variety of marine survey and consultancy work covering North Africa. It is also acting on behalf Classification societies and its surveyors are qualified as Auditors on ISM / ISPS / MLC / ISO 9001 /14001/ OHSAS 18001 to conduct on behalf international firms all Ship Audits, Office Audits, Manning Agent Audits in a professional way. Lloyd's Maritime Group is expanding and developing New Strategic International Partnership to achieve consolidation of our activities. Lloyd's Maritime Group is also representing known companies in Morocco and developing their presence in North Africa....
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FP Consulting Limited
FP Consulting Limited are Chartered Financial Planners based in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. Although based in Bromsgrove our team of advisers now extends well beyond the West Midlands and we serve clients from Glasgow to Southampton and Belfast to Norfolk. For many years our advisers have focused on providing astute individual and corporate clients from all walks of life with an exceptional service...
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The Shipping Professional Network in South West England
The Shipping Professional Network in South West England (SPNSW) is the meeting place for young shipping professionals based in the South West of England. SPNSW was launched in 2015 as a "Mentee branch" of the SPNL, with the aim of creating a network platform where students, lecturers and industry professionals can build beneficial relationships for the future. This will position the industry's next generation as young shipping professionals of tomorrow. It will host conferences and networking events in close partnership with Plymouth University's shipping society PIMSSS. These fields range from the bunker industry, ship valuation, maritime law, ports, piracy, ship classification, shipping finance, maritime economics, research and much more...
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Blue Line Maritime & Land Security Services PVT LTD
BLUE LINE MARITIME & LAND SECURITY SERVICES PVT LTD is a privately owned security company based in India. We provide comprehensive maritime security consultancy and risk assessment service. Best qualified and trained armed and unarmed security teams at highly competitive rates, and escort vessels to ships, ports and oil and gas assets, Luxury Yacht Security, and Security mainly in East Africa, the Gulf of Aden, Pacific Ocean South, Malacca Straits, South China Sea & East China Sea and the Indian Ocean and operate in accordance with international and maritime law to apply strict engagement rules for the use of firearms...
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